A few chosen paintings showing their stages of development.
Stages in development of Night Forest
Night Forest was created using multiple layers: the initial scene laid down, then tree forms overlaid and, once dry, knocked back with thin, pale tints, applied with a rag. This was repeated several times to reach the final result.
Stages in development of White Forest
White Forest was built up using thick layers of white paint, applied over the prepared background, and then over the added tree forms.
Stages in development of Forest
Forest is made up of two canvases, one stretched over the other. The first canvas was partly painted then, once dry, the second canvas stretched over it and the complete woodland scene painted. This canvas was then partially torn down to reveal part of the one beneath.
Stages in development of Earth's Year
Earth's Year involved sculpturally applied layers of paint, built to a considerable thickness with a knife. The lettering was then carved into the dried paint, then the canvas repaired from behind, before final detailing with sponged and brushed paint. The dark, surrounding background was sprayed using paint flicked from a nail brush.
Stages in development of Maggi
Maggi was started with thin paint applications, followed by overlaying thicker, knifed layers of paint.
Stages in development of Paula
Paula was developed by completing the Greer painting by brush and rag, then building up knifed layers of paint on the main portrait.